Sales Executive Application Full Names and Surname Age Male or Female MaleFemale Residential Address Contact number Email Address Spoken lanuages (Fluent) What vehicle do you own? (Year/Make/Model) Are you currently working? Where are/were you working? What is/was your position and job function? Current/Last salary? Please answer the questions below. 1. What do/did you enjoy and not enjoy at your current/previous employment? 2. Why did you choose a sales career or why are you wanting to change to a career in sales? 3. What motivates you to succeed? 4. What is the greatest success you achieved in your career? 5. What was one of your failings and what did you learn from it? 6. What have you done that has beaten the odds? 7. What do you know about our company? 8. What are the three things you do to build up a rapport with a customer? 9. What is the most important lesson you have ever learnt in sales? 10. Why should we hire you? Please attach your CV below.